HomeBlogGift Range Chart8 Key Tasks That Organizations Should Complete Before Starting a Capital Campaign

8 Key Tasks That Organizations Should Complete Before Starting a Capital Campaign

In this article, we will explore eight key tasks that organizations should complete before starting a capital campaign in order to create a detailed and strategic Gift Range Chart that will set the campaign up for success.

  1. Identifying and qualifying potential major donors: Identifying and qualifying major donors before the campaign can help to ensure that there are enough potential donors to reach the campaign goal and that the ask amounts are appropriate for the level of giving of those donors.
  2. Building a strong donor base: Having a solid donor base in place before starting a campaign can ensure that there are sufficient potential donors to reach the campaign goal and that the ask amounts are appropriate for the level of giving of those donors.
  3. Conducting a thorough analysis of past giving patterns: This can help to identify patterns in giving levels and can inform the creation of the Gift Range Chart, ensuring that the ask amounts are realistic and achievable.
  4. Developing a clear and compelling case for support: Having a well-articulated case for support can help to effectively communicate the campaign’s goals and why they are important to potential donors, and can inform the creation of the Gift Range Chart.
  5. Securing early commitments: Securing early commitments from key donors can help to build momentum for the campaign and demonstrate its viability to other potential donors, and can inform the creation of the Gift Range Chart.
  6. Creating a detailed and strategic Gift Range Chart: Having a well-structured Gift Range Chart in place can help to establish the pattern of gifts needed for the campaign, provide a logical approach to quantifying the number of prospects needed for the campaign, and help to track and report on campaign progress.
  7. Establishing a budget and campaign plan: Having a clear budget and plan in place can help to ensure that the campaign stays on track and that resources are used effectively and that the Gift Range Chart is in line with those plans.
  8. Building a strong communication plan: Communicating effectively with donors and stakeholders throughout the campaign can help to build support and maintain momentum, and can inform the Gift Range Chart to make sure that the goals are being met.

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